About Us
Your child is a unique being. My individualized intervention program and my holistic and interconnected approach to your child’s treatment sets me apart as an Occupational Therapist, through pleasurable, child-led activities that focus on your child’s interest. Initial assessment occurs in a clinical, but naturalistic play environment that supports you and your child playing together. We integrate how your child relates to you and to objects that interest them. Together we come to understand how your child approaches relationships, play, learning, thinking, reasoning, problem solving and activities of daily living, including dressing, self-feeding, tool use and hygiene.

In order to support their learning, it is imperative that we understand how kids demonstrate curiosity. Their strengths and opportunities for growth need to be understood and differentiated from each other so that we can identify where the treatment process should begin and how treatment options or goals can be prioritized. Typically, parents seek out my services when their children show difficulties in: regulation/emotional regulation, attention, separation, socializing, play, functioning in the classroom, avoidance of people or activity, and participation. These issues influence their capacity to enjoy engagement with their parents and friends and impacts their level of curiosity. Curiosity is the basis for all age appropriate learning. Children with challenges in sensory processing/affect regulation can show hypersensitivity or under-reactivity to sensory stimuli, including emotion, touch, movement, sound, taste, or pain. These issues compromise their sense of mastery over the environment, and therefore in their level of curiosity in the world around them, in their sense of self and their positive self esteem.
Sensory processing
Affect regulation
Executive function
Relationships with peers or parents
Organizational or Emotional Performance in the classroom setting
Perceptual motor organization
Using the DIR/Floortime Model, my work is considered Best Practice and is empirically supported.